Merchant Assignments

View All Merchants and Sign Up for Unassigned Merchants

The link at the bottom of this page takes you to the Google sheet where you can look up your merchants’ assignments and ‘claim’ unassigned merchants that you would like to work with.

Note – this list delivers the full view of all merchant sign-ups, so there is full transparency on the records of who is working with whom according to the official Jamboree records.

Link to Merchant Assignments Sheet is here

Link to detailed slides are here (screenshots are for 2023, but the instructions are the same as for 2024).

How to ‘claim’ unassigned merchants.

  1. Note: please don’t try to filter or sort or hide/unhide columns/rows in the sheet. Permissions are in place to make sure cast can’t do that, but let not test Google’s consistency. Please follow the guidelines below! TYIA!
  2. Open the link below “Merchant Assignments Sheet” – a Google sheets document should open. If you get a message saying you can’t access, then makes sure you are logged out of any RHS gmail accounts. In addition, try your browser’s “incognito” or privacy mode.
  3. Rows have different colors:
    • Green rows are merchants that are “orphaned” – they placed an ad in last year’s journal but no one has claimed them yet.
    • Yellow are merchants that are “unassigned” – they place an ad 2 or 3 years ago, but no one has claimed them yet (this list also includes all the Ridgewood Central Business District “street level” stores).
    • Orange ones are already claimed.
  4. Scroll through the list to find any green or yellow merchants. Use control F to locate a particular name (you can also download a spreadsheet of all unassigned merchants; see below)
  5. Enter your castmember ID in the “Signup” column (Column Q). Your castmember ID is your last name and first two characters of your first name. Either use the drop-down menu to scroll to your name or (tip!) start to type your last name and select y our name when you see it.
  6. That’s it! Within 60 seconds that change will ‘lock in’ your selection – the automatic refresh will confirm your selection.
  7. Not comfortable self-assigning online? No problem… just email and we’ll assign the merchant for you if still available (ie, if another cast member has not self-assigned)

Did you make a mistake in the assignment of an unassigned merchant? Don’t worry, you can’t over-write a name onto an existing assignment – the information should self-correct within 60 seconds if you do. Still stuck? No problem, just contact the producers at

If you’d like to download the Merchant Assignment Sheet and browse using excel or another spreadsheet program, a link to a CSV version is here. But you must still sign up using the Merchant Assignment Sheet

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